Wednesday, August 29, 2012

On The Tragedy in Aurora, CO

Just a simple thought from an Activist and Worker for Peace, who also at a very young age lost my Beloved Brother William, to the barrel of a gun, I guess it goes without saying, that I am an advocate for gun control (albiet, I vision the day when guns and weaponry of any sort will no longer hold any place in our collective consciousness as a society)...

And while I 100% respect the right of everyone to hold their own opinions and view points on
this issue, including those that are different from light of what has recently occurred in Aurora, Colorado, and out of respect for the trauma and terror that has been unmercilessly and senselessly visited upon this community...I would most humbly suggest that maybe some of the posts going around advocating the personal right to own, specifically, semi automatics and other extreme type of weaponry for personal protection (and I have seen an over abundance of them, recently) this moment, may be deemed inappropriate and ill timed and could be curbed for another point in time...

And just to add, in my humble opinion, once again...I personally, don't understand why it would be necessary for anyone to own, specifically, a semi automatic to protect oneself or ones family, anyway...Just my opinion...just saying...and a discussion for a later date...:)


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