Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Prayers for Aurora

On the unbelievable tragedy in Aurora, Colorado...

There are a lot of events and requests for prayers going around Face Book for Healing and Light to be sent, and that is one of the beautiful things about Social Media...its use as a Point of Light and Love to Heal and Manifest Miracles...

While this is absolutely admirable and important...let us also remember, that grief is a process, one that m
ust be traveled to its completion, and one that must be traveled alone...

And while it is wonderful to set an intention for the pain to be lessened, and important to join with others at their time of sorrow, and let them know that they are thought of and blessed...

When a tragedy of this scope and horror has occurred, it is impossible to understand the kind of trauma and stark terror that has unmercifully been visited upon these innocents; men, women and is unthinkable, unimaginable and unbelievable to even begin to fathom...

And the road ahead for healing and reemergence into the world, will be long and hard fought...The trauma must be unspeakable...

There really can be no words of solace from those of us who have thankfully never lived through an experience of this magnitude and scope of terror...and hopefully no one ever will again...

The best way any of us, who stand hopelessly by on the sidelines, to addition to our fervent prayers and intentions of Love to those affected...and for the recovery of those who have been to dedicate ourselves to the ways of Peace...

To bring the light of compassion, kindness, servitude and love into every encounter we have with those who walk this earth with us...
To rally for an end to the epidemic of violence that is everywhere present in our communities, country and world...

It is in every aspect of our entertainment world and our lives; movies, TV, news, literature, video games, in our speech and interactions with each other, and in our own hearts...

We MUST actively move NOW toward a more peaceful existence!

How many more of these venues of violence must we endure before we Stand Up and say "NO MORE!"...
Before we shout to the Heavens..."NEVER AGAIN!...

We MUST begin Now to Learn, Live, Embrace, Embody and Walk the Ways of Peace and Harmony in every aspect of our lives...from every part of our Beings...

Lets make a firm commitment NOW to Stand for Peace, before complacency, apathy and hopelessness takes its bloody reign once again...

We Hold the Power in our Hands and Hearts to make the changes that MUST come about, if we are ever to evolve into the Great Beings that We were meant to Be...
If we are ever to reclaim our displaced Souls...

As spoken by the Prince of Verona at the end of Shakespeare's play..."All are Punished!"

It is the responsibility of ALL...
If not Now...When
If not Us...Who


My name is Linda...and I STAND FOR PEACE!...
Who will Stand with Me?

"I Offer you Peace.
I Offer you Love.
I Offer you Friendship.
I See your Beauty.
I Hear your Need.
I Feel your Feelings.
My Wisdom flows from the Highest Source.
And I salute that Source in You.
Let us work together for Unity and Love."
~ Gandhi's Prayer for Peace

On The Tragedy in Aurora, CO

Just a simple thought from an Activist and Worker for Peace, who also at a very young age lost my Beloved Brother William, to the barrel of a gun, I guess it goes without saying, that I am an advocate for gun control (albiet, I vision the day when guns and weaponry of any sort will no longer hold any place in our collective consciousness as a society)...

And while I 100% respect the right of everyone to hold their own opinions and view points on
this issue, including those that are different from light of what has recently occurred in Aurora, Colorado, and out of respect for the trauma and terror that has been unmercilessly and senselessly visited upon this community...I would most humbly suggest that maybe some of the posts going around advocating the personal right to own, specifically, semi automatics and other extreme type of weaponry for personal protection (and I have seen an over abundance of them, recently) this moment, may be deemed inappropriate and ill timed and could be curbed for another point in time...

And just to add, in my humble opinion, once again...I personally, don't understand why it would be necessary for anyone to own, specifically, a semi automatic to protect oneself or ones family, anyway...Just my opinion...just saying...and a discussion for a later date...:)


The Right to Bear Arms...

The "Right to Bear Arms" is a perceived right, wraught by the mind of man, born from a consciousness of fear and separation...

The "Right to live in Peace, Love and Harmony at One with Each Other and Mother Earth" is a God Given right, bestowed upon us, through Grace, by our Creator...

"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other." ~ Jesus the Christ

"At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

My religion is based on truth and non-violence. Truth is my God. Non-violence is the means of realising Him"..."Non-violence is not a garment to be put on and off at will. Its seat is in the heart, and it must be an inseparable part of our being."..."Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man."
~ Mahatma Gandhi

I choose to exercise "MY GOD GIVEN RIGHT" to serve the ways of Peace, Love and Compassion...