Monday, August 29, 2011

The Aftermath of Irene

Just read a comment on a group wall that stated,
"News reports are saying that damage in NYC was not as bad as expected. I wonder how many people will realize this was due to so many prayers for this situation."

OK, I need to say here, 1st that I am a major believer in the power of prayer, That everyday, in every way I pray...
That every minute of my life is in effect a prayer.
However, I feel, there is great danger in the statement quoted above...

What of those who suffered major loss of life, injury and damage elsewhere...
Were they in effect, somehow not worthy or immune to prayer?

When will we realize that try as we might, we do not and cannot control all that comes into our lives...
I do believe, instead, there is indeed a greater plan afoot.
But we can not always know the reason why.
And that Trust and Faith require more than always realizing our desired outcome...
It requires joyous acceptance of whatever comes!

Remember the beginning words of the most revered Lord's Prayer,
that the Christ taught us to pray...

"Thy Kingdom come...Thy Will be Done!"

Please join me in sending out prayers of Love, Light and Healing to all those who were and are still being effected by Hurricane Irene...

And let us now focus on the greatest and most precious gift,
To do what we can to help alleviate the suffering caused by her aftermath,
By whatever means and whatever way we can...
Even if it is just through our prayer and positive intentions...

For the suffering of One is the suffering of All...

We are All One!

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